Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have nothing to do right now

My coworker suggested I do a crossword puzzle and I said "OK," but then I suck at crosswords so I tried sudoku. I used to be good at Sudoku but that was years ago and now the things at which I shine are 90's alt rock trivia and picking wine pairings. What would really make my day is if the one of the dudes from like Hum started a winery.

Speaking of Hum they had a reunion show last NYE in Chicago and apparently Matt Talbott has lost all sense of tonality in his singing. Listen to this:

Brace yo selves.

Week 2 in racism being over. Last night I stood naked before my bathroom mirror trying to utter racist epithets but all that came out was a jarble of consonants. It was fucking weird. I blame society.

In other stories this shit is the front fucking page of the NYTimes website:


Larry Summers and Rahm Emanual, why are your jackets still on? Larry Summers looks like the type of dude whose candy store mysteriously closes after 6 months of business, and in that pic Rahm looks like he's got on Siouxsie Sioux makeup. Look at this picture of Larry Summers.


So um Larry do you have anything else to add?


Good to know. Check out Sheed being all "yes we can!":

Never forget.

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