Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mike Davis: Who Will Build the Ark?

Fantastic New Left Review article that nobody has the time to read right now (even me). But I'm posting it anyway, with some highlights:

"The inner crisis in environmental politics today is precisely the lack of bold concepts that address the challenges of poverty, energy, biodiversity and climate change within an integrated vision of human progress. At a micro-level, of course, there have been enormous strides in developing alternative technologies and passive-energy housing, but demonstration projects in wealthy communities and rich countries will not save the world. The more affluent, to be sure, can now choose from an abundance of designs for eco-living, but what is the ultimate goal: to allow well-meaning celebrities to brag about their zero-carbon lifestyles or to bring solar energy, toilets, pediatric clinics and mass transit to poor urban communities?"

Pardon the websites craptastic screen design.

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