Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dancing scenes in teen dramas

If it were not already obvious I watched (the new) 90210 tonight. I made the conscious choice to follow this TV show - I have not followed a show since the first season of "White Rapper" and TV is slowly creeping back into my life thanks to Darcy from Degrassi and her black adopted brother.

At the homecoming dance tonight, Adriana and the other main character girl whose name I forgot had a heated discussion in the middle of the dancefloor, mostly in whispers, while the music played quietly in the background. I have serious suspension of belief issues during any teen dance scene, mostly because I can never hear people at a bar or a danceflor and I'm always too aware that those extras bumping-and-grinding in the background are so clearly dancing to nothing but dialogue, and who the fuck whispers at a dance? Which reminds me of that great scene from Naked Gun where the bad guy had Priscilla Presley hostage and is shooting at Frank Drebin while making demands, and Drebin's response is "I can't hear you over the shooting!"

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